Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Happy New Year 2020!

       What a beautiful new year! I am happy to be back at school and soaking up more material to help with my future goals. I volunteered early in the month (Saturday, January 11, 2020) at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center for The College Football National Championship that was held in New Orleans this year. I had the pleasure of volunteering at one of the First Aid stations. My particular location was the First Aid table outside in the lobby, where I had the pleasure of seeing and greeting the LSU and Clemson fans walking in and leaving to go to other sites around New Orleans to enjoy their fan experiences, which took place all over the city that weekend. I was allowed to hand out band-aids and hand sanitizers to any and everyone who were willing to accept these gifts. Most of the fans were grateful to be getting the hand sanitizer since it is flu season. I had a blast watching the children experience the football activities set up inside the actual fan experience, where they were able to play football and win prizes. I’m happy I chose this volunteering experience because it was not only rewarding to be giving back to the community, but it was an overall fun experience just being around happy fans.
       As far as school work, we just finished the Endocrine and Reproduction module, and we are now on the Neurology and Cellular Control modules, learning Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers (the stress response and how the body is affected), and preparing for more presentations this semester, which I can always benefit from because I am so shy and need to come out of my shy shell. I am enjoying learning about stress especially because it applies directly to our daily lives. I have even taken up exercising with two of my classmates as a way to not only keep up with physical activity but to bond with my colleagues (it’s also a great stress relief). I am looking forward to the remainder of this semester and learning more drugs and how they act in and for the body. Attached is a video of the inside of the fan experience before the doors were opened to the public, and I have also attached a picture of my classmates and I at a boxing workout.

January 2020 Volunteer Hours Completed: 5.0
Cumulative Hours (Fall 2019 Included): 19.5